Submit Suppliers Invoices
Please provide the details of the job in the form adjacent. You will receive a notification that the details have been received successfully.
To ensure that your invoice is processed in a timely fashion in sure that it contains all the following relevant details:
- Business name
- Provider’s ABN (valid)
- Contact email and phone
- Client name
- Participant’s name and NDIS number
- Support item number (listed in the NDIS Support Catalogue)
- Amount and quantity claimed for each unit of the support provided (for example, $105.10 each x 4 units)
- Date/s the support was delivered
- Total invoice amount
- GST component if applicable (most services are GST free).
Other Important Notes:
- File type can be PDF and/or JPG
- No links
Example Invoice
We've included a handy example invoice for your reference below:
![Example Invoice](